10 Popular Beauty Hacks Dermatologists Want You To Avoid

10 Popular Beauty Hacks Dermatologists Want You To Avoid

Unlock Your Radiance with Smart Beauty Hacks! Dive into the world of beauty tips, but before embracing that new skincare routine from your favorite influencer, wise advice from a dermatologist is key. Discover why a Marvel trick that works wonders for one person might not be universal. In fact, some of today’s trending beauty hacks can be risky, as dermatologists warn. Explore the top beauty hacks to steer clear of and learn expert alternatives for equally stunning results. Your beauty journey just got a whole lot smarter!

Avoid the Sunscreen drink

Skincare layering, or applying numerous items consistently, has turned into a well-known skincare routine strategy. Be that as it may, while applying SPF, David Kim, a board-guaranteed dermatologist at IDRISS Dermatology and pioneer behind LIGHTSAVER skincare, says exceptional thought is required. “For sunscreen to give its shown SPF security, it should be equally disseminated and applied to the skin,” he makes sense of.

When blended in with serums and creams, Kim says it keeps the sunscreen from giving legitimate UV security and will not be as successful. In the event that you’re applying a substance sunscreen, apply it before your lotion and hold on until it’s totally dry prior to applying anything more.

In the event that you’re utilizing a mineral sunscreen, which goes about as an actual block, it ought to be the last item applied after your skin totally dries. “Search for sunscreen with expansive range UV assurance that gives SPF 30 or higher,” says Kim.

Related: Tula Skincare: Unveiling the Secrets to Radiant and Glowing Skin

Say a final farewell to Your L-ascorbic acid Serum

Beauty hacks

L-ascorbic acid serums have exploded as of late, and however numerous dermatologists acclaim and suggest them for day-to-day use, Blair Murphy-Rose, a board-confirmed dermatologist and pioneer behind Skincare Addict, says they can cause breakouts. “Most L-ascorbic acid serums contain pore-obstructing vitamin E,” she makes sense of. Murphy-Rose prescribes that anybody inclined to breakouts use non-comedogenic items containing powerful cancer prevention agents as opposed to an L-ascorbic acid serum.

Pass on Microneedling To The Specialists

At-home microneedling units gained pervasiveness during the pandemic. Regardless, dermatologists agree they can be more horrendous than supportive. “At-home microneedling may not penetrate adequately significant to achieve a basic benefit, and if not finished true to form, can incite extended possibility of scarring, hyperpigmentation, and pollution,” says Marisa Garshick, a board-affirmed dermatologist at MDCS Dermatology. If you’re enthusiastic about the upsides of microneedling, the most reliable, best technique for achieving them is by having a gathering with a board-guaranteed dermatologist.

Ditch The Pore Vacuum

Pore vacuums are attraction devices much of the time used by estheticians or dermatologists to kill soil and junk from pores. Anyway, these devices are open for at-home use, Howard Sobel, MD, clinical going to dermatologic expert at Lenox Slant Clinical Center, alarms against endeavoring this hack at home. “[Pore vacuums] can be hurting, break veins, and cause flaws on the skin with misuse,” he gets a handle on. “The suctioning movement can fall apart sensitive skin conditions and cause irritation and emissions,” Sobel recommends using serums and skincare things that contain stripping acids and niacinamide accepting for the time being that you’re looking for an at-home procedure for restricting pores.

Put The At-Home Mixtures Away

At-home lip fillers and hyaluronic destructive serum mixtures could look straightforward and easy enough when you see forces to be reckoned with using them by means of virtual amusement. Nonetheless, Lyle Leipziger, Head of Plastic Operation at North Shore School Facility and LIJ Clinical Center, says this brilliance hack can be unsafe. “Participating in some strategy including self-implantation is risky and should never be performed,” he cautions. “Doing so may provoke colossal sickness, scarring, and maybe irreversible mischief to the skin.” If you’re pondering an injectable technique, it should be performed by a board-guaranteed supportive expert with basic experience.

Related: Tula Skincare: Unveiling the Secrets to Radiant and Glowing Skin

Stop Slugging

Slugging, or using emollients like Vaseline or Aquaphor to soak the skin, isn’t just captivating to notice anyway can constrain. “It works actually of hydrating the skin during fall and winter accepting you have amazingly dry and dermatitis-slanted skin,” says Kim. Nevertheless, it can moreover have adversarial effects. Accepting you have smooth, skin irritation slanted skin, Kim says slugging will deteriorate the skin aggravation.

Beauty Hacks

Expecting you have completed skin with numerous dull and whiteheads, slugging may obliterate this. In light of everything, he proposes picking a thicker cream. “The goal is to hydrate the skin, not to coordinate emollients into your skincare plan,” he says. “Thicker balms stacked with lipids and ceramides, as CeraVe, are astounding at keeping the skin hydrated and doused without overpowering the skin.”

Do whatever it takes not to Polish off That Zit With Toothpaste

Possibly the most settled wonderfulness hack in the book, using toothpaste to dry out a pimple is quick and supportive. In any case, it can in like manner dry and try to the skin. “Taking everything into account, it’s ideal to choose evidence-based skin irritation engaging trimmings like retinoids, benzoyl peroxide, and salicylic destructive to help thwart and treat breakouts,” says Garshick. “A respectable choice is to use a spot treatment containing salicylic destructive or sulfur as the powerful fixing,” adds Murphy-Rose.

Keep away from Salt And Sugar Scours

Anyway, they appear to be typical and sumptuous, Murphy-Rose says salt and sugar cleans are not without possibilities. “The issue is these unpleasant things can cause microtears in the skin, with extended peril of pollution and irritation,” she says. “A safer choice is to use a compound exfoliant as a cream containing hydroxy acids to strip while better defending the skin deterrent.”

Avoid Profound Skin Strips

Profound skin strips that require recuperation time ought to continuously be passed on to the experts. “On the off chance that not done as expected under proficient application and management, you can consume the skin, harm the skin obstruction, and demolish skin break out or skin awareness,” says Sobel. Assuming you’re hoping to ease up earthy colored spots, further develop complexion, and advance a general shine, Sobel proposes utilizing glycolic corrosive cushions and serums. “Glycolic Corrosive assists with cleansing the skin and eliminating dead skin cells that dull the tone,” he makes sense of.

Switch Off At-Home Hair Expulsion Gadgets

While at-home hair evacuation gadgets are without a doubt helpful, most dermatologists advise against utilizing them. “Whenever done erroneously, at-home hair evacuation can cause swelling, scarring, and hyperpigmentation of the skin or spotting expulsion,” says Sobel. “If you want long stretch, safe results, search for a specialist dermatologist or laser ace for hair ejection.”


Q1: What is the proper way to apply sunscreen when using skincare layering?

A1: When practicing skincare layering, apply sunscreen as the final step to ensure even distribution and optimal UV protection.

Q2: Are L-ascorbic acid serums suitable for daily use, or do they cause breakouts?

A2: L-ascorbic acid serums can cause breakouts for some individuals due to pore-blocking vitamin E. Consider non-comedogenic alternatives with potent antioxidants.

Q3: Is at-home microneedling recommended, or should it be left to specialists?

A3: Dermatologists advise against at-home microneedling, as it may not provide significant benefits and can lead to scarring, hyperpigmentation, and infection. Consult with a board-certified dermatologist for safe and effective microneedling.

Q4: Are pore vacuums safe for at-home use?

A4: Dermatologists caution against using pore vacuums at home, as they can be damaging, break blood vessels, and cause skin issues. Instead, consider using serums with exfoliating acids and niacinamide to minimize pores.

Q5: Are at-home lip fillers and hyaluronic acid serum injections safe?

A5: Performing at-home injectable procedures, such as lip fillers or hyaluronic acid serum injections, is risky and can lead to significant harm, including infection, scarring, and irreversible damage. Consult a board-certified medical professional with expertise in injectable procedures.